We would like to invite you to complete a short survey. It is designed to collect member views on the potential impacts on our industry and market of Brexit. The survey itself is short and will only take about 10 minutes to complete and submit back.
The feedback from the survey will help to inform our lobbying of the government and to ensure that we can represent your views accurately. We will use the information from the survey to create a Brexit Report, designed to make it clear to the authorities the potential consequences on the Safety and Health market as they seek to complete the Withdrawal Bill.
The survey feedback and the subsequent report will allow us to take your views forward in a structured manner and help us to achieve the best outcomes for the industry and for your businesses in the negotiations on our future trading relationship with the EU member states.
We will feedback the results of the survey to you and ensure that you receive a copy of the Brexit Report, once it has been produced. The Report will be promoted to Government – Ministers – Senior Civil Servants and key Parliamentarians.
The survey as already stated is short and simple to complete. It is however, essential to allow us to present a cohesive evidence based picture of the views from the market.
The survey does also take the opportunity to ask some general questions on the Federation and our support to you the members.
Please take a few minutes from your busy schedule to complete it and have your voice heard. Simply click on the link below!
Alan Murray