BSIF Webinar – Documents & CE Q & A’s
Question: I receive several offers a day from manufacturers outwith the EU of category 2 PPE, who provide a Declaration of Conformity which is only signed off by the manufacturer….
BSIF Webinar – Useful links
BSIF have provided the answers to the questions asked in good faith and to the best of our ability. BSIF cannot be held legally liable for the answers provided. Some…
BSIF Webinar – Medical Device Q & A’s
BSIF have provided the answers to the questions asked in good faith and to the best of our ability. BSIF cannot be held legally liable for the answers provided. Some…
Q & A on CE Documentation: Is it genuine – BSIF Webinar
BSIF have provided the answers to the questions asked in good faith and to the best of our ability. BSIF cannot be held legally liable for the answers provided. Question:…
The UK Government’s Covid 19 recovery strategy
The UK Government has published its recovery strategy which can be viewed in the link below: UK Government recovery strategy
CE Documentation: Is it genuine – BSIF Webinar
With the shortages in Covid 19 related PPE a significant amount of non compliant PPE is being offered to the market. In this webinar BSIF will help you to understand…
CE Documentation: Is it genuine | BSIF Webinar
With the shortages in Covid 19 related PPE a significant amount of non compliant PPE is being offered to the market. In this webinar BSIF will help you to understand…
HSE advises on the importance of fitting respirators correctly
If a respirator is incorrectly fitted, it will not provide you with protection.HSE is advising healthcare workers currently using respiratory protective equipment (RPE) on the importance of ensuring it is…
With the current situation there has been a lot of disruption to the Safety industries events calendar. The schedule has been changed and new dates arranged….the show must go on!…
COVID 19 and PPE
As we started 2020 I remember thinking ahead and considering what the main challenges would be facing the safety and health industry after Brexit. Other information though, was coming out…