The BSIF Safety Excellence 2017 Winner – Boots UK

Boots UK develops innovative in house solution to protect colleagues from pallet racking push through The Challenge The Boots UK Burton warehouse is the home of the dot com and…

European Commission has published a document of ‘Frequently Asked Questions’

BSIF Members The European Commission has published a document of ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ to provide guidance on the application of the new PPE Regulation. The document is attached. This is…

PPE harmonised standards

12th April: A new list of the PPE harmonised standards was published in the Official Journal (OJ) of the EU. You can see the new list here 20170412 harmonised standards…

The BSIF Safety Awards Winners 2017

     BSIF Safety Awards 2017 Winners announced       The British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) announces the 2017 Safety Awards champions to a packed audience at the Health &…

Rock Fall UK support RSS Scheme

BSIF member company Rock Fall UK have fully endorsed the Registered Safety Supplier Scheme and are fully backing the RSSS: As a leading Safety Footwear manufacturer, we feel strongly that…

RSSS – Centurion Safety explain the importance to them.

When the health of our workers is at stake, companies of every type and size will agree that only the best is good enough. But how can Health and Safety…

BSIF Agree new strategic Partnership

Western Business Exhibitions and Publishing (WBEP) and the British Safety Industry Federation (BSIF) are pleased to announce an exciting extension to their 14-year partnership. BSIF has agreed to become a…

Gentex Europe promote RSSS to UK Distributor base

The BSIF are delighted to recognise the commitment from long standing members, Gentex Europe in promoting the Registered Safety Supplier Scheme within their UK distributor base. Gentex Europe (formerly trading…

Changes to EN388 & what new glove markings will mean

A new version of the glove standard EN388: Protection against mechanical risks has been published, superseding EN388:2003. This only affects new product certification and will not apply retrospectively. Gloves may…

BSIF’s new report on Tackling Work Related Respiratory Illnesses received by Minister of State for Disabled People, Health and Work, Department for Work and Pensions

Penny Mordaunt MP, Minister of State for Disabled People, Health and Work, Department for Work and Pensions, receives BSIF’s new report on Tackling Work Related Respiratory Illnesses. The report highlights…