Report for BSIF members of the Workshop on the transition from Directive 89/686 to Regulation 2016/425

Report for BSIF members of the Workshop on the transition from Directive 89/686 to Regulation 2016/425                                         16.11.2016, Brussels Prepared by Henk Vanhoutte, Secretary General, European Safety Federation Workshop chaired by…

BBC Fake Britain and the dangers of fake PPE

BBC Fake Britain covers a story on fake & illegal Respiratory Protective Equipment, just emphasises the need to buy your PPE from a Registered Safety Supplier To view the…

BSIF Member features on Sky News

BSIF Member JSP recently featured on Sky News with CEO Mark Johnstone interviewed, watch the video below to hear what he had to say….

E-newsletter 18-11-16: Upcoming Event

Fit2Fit and ISRP The Fit2Fit scheme continues to be a leading initiative for the Federation, helping to drive improvements in RPE fit testing and encouraging best practice.  In conjunction with…

E-newsletter 18-11-16: Respiratory Report

Local Authorities: Treat Occupational Health as part of Public Health  We have been concerned of late that the 2012 Health and Social Care Act- that gave local authorities responsibility for…

E-newsletter 18-11-16: World COPD Day

World COPD Day – 16th November What is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? How are my employees exposed to it? What can I do to help reduce the risks of them…

E-newsletter 18-11-16: Introduction

Welcome to the November issue of the BSIF newsletter.  This month, the 2015/6 health and safety statistics were published by the Health & Safety Executive.  Citing 1.3million workers in Great…

BSIF Respiratory Report

Work related Respiratory disease still accounts for over 12,000 deaths per year and 30,000 breathing related problems. The BSIF believes that Occupational Health should be considered as a component part…

World COPD Day 2016

Work related COPD is responsible for over 4,000 deaths each year! BSIF is proud to support World COPD Day – Be Aware and Act Now! Download the infographic: copd-day-2016-final

HSE Statistics on Health & Safety at work for 2016 are released

The HSE statistics have just been published and in line with current focus “Health” is a priority within the report. However, we can see that non – fatal injuries have…