Member Bulletin HSE Safety Alert on KN95 Masks
Dear BSIF Member Please find below an HSE Safety Alert, warning against the use and supply of KN95 for use at work, as personal protective equipment. HSE state that “this…
Member Bulletin – Investigation into Fake CE Certificates and Organised Crime
Dear BSIF Members As we struggle with the widespread presentation of fake documentation, and the polluting effect it is having on the Certification process of PPE, especially respiratory masks I…
Non – Compliant PPE on Rapex
BSIF would like to illustrate that market surveillance action is taking place across Europe on non – compliant PPE. You can follow this link for up to date activities against…
Working Safely – Covid 19
Dear BSIF Members The Government has published further guidance on working safely and returning to work during the COVID 19. Please follow this link to access the guidance: Click here…
BSIF Webinar – Brexit Q & A’s
BSIF have provided the answers to the questions asked in good faith and to the best of our ability. BSIF cannot be held legally liable for the answers provided. Question:…
BSIF Webinar – Easement 2020 – 403 Q & A’s
BSIF have provided the answers to the questions asked in good faith and to the best of our ability. BSIF cannot be held legally liable for the answers provided. Question:…
BSIF Webinar – Non – conformance Q & A’s
BSIF have provided the answers to the questions asked in good faith and to the best of our ability. BSIF cannot be held legally liable for the answers provided. Question:…
BSIF Webinar – Face shields Q & A’s
BSIF have provided the answers to the questions asked in good faith and to the best of our ability. BSIF cannot be held legally liable for the answers provided. Question:…
BSIF Webinar – Post lockdown Q & A’s
BSIF have provided the answers to the questions asked in good faith and to the best of our ability. BSIF cannot be held legally liable for the answers provided Question:…
BSIF Webinar – KN95/N95 etc Q & A’s
BSIF have provided the answers to the questions asked in good faith and to the best of our ability. BSIF cannot be held legally liable for the answers provided. Some…