Welcome to the April/May issue of the BSIF Newsletter. In this issue we discuss health and safety in the EU debate, discuss our plans in July to ensure members understand the revised PPE Regulations and give you the latest information on the new website.
National headlines continue to be dominated by the “Brexit” or “Bremain” debate. Whether you are in or out (or part of the majority who have yet to decide), I am sure you will share my disappointment when on Andrew Marr a few weeks ago, we saw health and safety being cited in the debate. As the result of years of inaccurate reporting,” health and safety” has a difficult image and this is not helped when a senior politician quips it as as a viable reason for leaving the EU. The BSIF has no position on the EU Referendum but we do have a view on the value of good safety and health and the irrefutable fact that it is a force for good.
Examples like this reinforce and justify our concerted efforts to rehabilitate the image of health and safety in the UK. Our work is a real force for good and the UK health and safety record is something that we should all be proud of. Health and safety procedures are fundamentally good for business, and “using” Health and Safety as an issue in one of the most heated debates the UK parliament has ever seen is anything but constructive
Enjoy this months read.